Mon 27 Jan
Enna NADIA Kitty Velvet @ Eroticas * Special 80 qk /120hh * SPECIAL * till 8 p.m - 21
(Houston, 610/Ella)
Ebony Model ~~~~~~~~ ((((((((((( HOT, NAUGHTY, FREAK ZONE! ))))))))))) ~~~~~~~~ Incalls Only!! - 22
Double The Pleasure, Double The Fun Sexy Blonde & Exotic latina - 20
(Houston, 59s,galleria,hobby,southwest outcalls)
DOUBLE DEligHt BoMbSHeLLs ^&^ SeXY MixED ExoTic PLaYmaTes *&* LunCH SpEcIAlS *&* TasTy TreATs - 22
Doorstep Delivery "Exotic Cutie" Delivered 2 (Home, Apt, Hotel, Or Office) Let ME Come To U
(Your Place As Soon As U Call)
★ DONT MISS THIS ★ _______ **((SEXIEST BLONDE BARBIE))** ___________ FRESH & NEW ★ - 23
•★• ___ DROP ___ •★• ___ DEAD ___ •★• GORGEOUS__ •★• - - 21
(Houston, 45 north,woodlands,katy,249,willowbrook)
*❤* DAZZLING Brunette! FLAWLESS features- Pure FUN!.. *- Outcall only - 19
(pasadena baytown clearlake deer park)
___________ DDD LATINA __________ NO O'S BARRED_ $55/$75 /$95 _________ PICK UR PLEASURE ! ________ - 27
(_________ 610 LOOP/NO BLK MEN! _________)
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty * * *LaSt dAY iN HoUsToN ***DESI***DoN't MiSs mE! ! ! ! LeAvInG in A FeW hOuRs - 22
(59 Kirkwood)
~*~💋DoUblE TrOuble💋~*~ we're back...East Houston incall only!!! - 21
(City of Houston, Eastside, I-10 an Mercury dr, Market st.)
!!Crazy Bbw Drippin dr00ling slurp!n sloPPy m0uth Special!! Come play with this Frisky Freaky Bbw - 25
(Bronx, Bx 170 and jerome ave)
DoNt MiSs OuT tExT mE nOw!! LeT mE mAkE YoUr WeEk WaY bEtTeR!!! OuT cAllS oNlY!! - 22
(Houston, conroe woodlands spring tomball downtown)
____Come See Me........Sexy & Petite White Girl, Brooke___ - 19
(Bronx, brook ave & 165 : by yankee stadium)
Daddy's Little Girl All Grown Up~ UpScale Mature GentleMen Only - 19
DIANA DOES IT BETTER!! - Staying (TWO MORE) Days! Have YOU Seen MY Magic TRICK? - 21
(Galleria/SouthWest Fwy)
AVAIL 24/7 ThE BesT Girls On BP _ No _ L ieS _ + DoeSN'T _ GeT _ aNy _ BeTTeR _ THaN _ THiS= * - 20
✔💯✔Cypress Creek Pkwy-Super Sexy BBW Visiting! Loves to Kiss & Cuddle! No Black Men! - 24
(Conroe, Cypress creek parkway, Houston)
CurvY HottiE 💎ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ💎 ƒяєαкy 💲60QV💲 ¥OUR #❶ CHOICE BLONDE - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, NW*290*34TH*NW*290*34TH)
______________ DDD BUSTY LATINA ______________ $ 7 5 ______________ ONE FULL HOUR ______________ - 26
(I CAN DIRECT U FROM 45 I -10 610 59 290)
★♡★ COME ★ TAKE★ My ★ PANT¡ES ★ OFF !! ★ Perfect Ju¡cy Aşş ★ Cert¡fied Freak ★♡★ $80Qv $120Hh $180Hr - 22
(College Station, University Drive)
CRYSTAL **832*398*3820*** Great body, BLUE eyes RED hair!! ;) :) - 25
(City of Houston, East Houston / Channelview)
☠•W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G•☠• {{ EXTREMELY }} A * D * D * I * C * T * I * V * E - 22
(Manhattan, Midtown East)
100/60mins * * * * * * I Will Come Anywhere U Want Me Too - Just Call Me * * * * * * 100/60mins
(Outcall All Houston)
Come Play W/ These DD's $pecials $pecials $50 $pecials *Thick N Freaky 100% Real - 20
(Houston, Southwest Houston Area In Call)
*-:¦:-*COME TAKE A RIDE ON MY SLIP& SLIDE!!! -:¦:--:¦:- - B3TT3R & S0OOO MUCH W3TT3R*-:¦:-* - 19
CoMe AnD lEt Us GiVe YoU a LaSt DaY oF 2012 YoUlL nEvEr FoRgEt!!!! Up AlL nIgHt.... InCaLlS/OuTcAlLs - 28
80$ ((AMAZING )) ♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_ ♥(( SEXY OUTCALL)) 80$ - 18
-N=I=C O=L=E- 0pen All Thre3 Ways Come Explore and Explode -Nicole- - 21
(Manhattan, Midtown InCaLLz in NYC)
▀ █ █ ▀█ SEXY ❤❤❤ HOT█▀ █ █ ▀█ WiLLiNG ❤❤❤ READY █▀ █ █ ▀█ CALL ME! ❤❤❤ █▀ █ █ ▀█ - - - 21
(Tyler, 323 & 69)
__classy ,sassy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *THuRsDaY TReaSuRe *..... PL ea SuRe .aWaiTs U * - 27
(northwest 290)
********** You are a (( V ))ery very (( I ))mportant (( P ))erson **********
(10541 FM 1960 West, Houston,TX77070)
Come Get Treated Like A King!!!!!!! 80$ Special and You Are Special!!!! 832-540-0156 - 18
(Houston, 45 and rankin)
🎉🎊 CoLomBiaNA ANGy ❤️ SEnXual CALienTe 👄CoNociendo HousTon. PoR PoCo TIemPo. EsPeCIAL 👍100 🌹🌹🎁🎁 - 25
(Houston, Wilcrest next to brian forest. 8 y 10👍👍)
(--CLICK ★ HERE--) → → → # VOLUPTUOUS {×° specials *•°} M O U T H ↑ ↓ at it's best! - 31
(Houston, :::::::: →→ ALL OVER 24/7 READY NOW!!)
$60 ShortStay 💋①00%ŔƐΛĿ 💜✿ K¡∫∫∑R ⓜOⓤⓣⓗ SK¡LLz ♡_♡ 🎀° EXØTiC ƒяєaķ.. JüïčÝ Jæ - 19
(Bronx, Outcalls Only i Come to You)
[CLICK HERE] *¨¨* SATISFACTION *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY! *¨¨* [CLICK HERE] - 19
Classy Incalls, Classy Outcalls, Never Rushed and Won't Miss Any! - 22
(Houston, 45 south @ beltway 8 , In or out)
CLICK HERE!!! Upscale 19 year old SNoWBUNNY . CALL ME 24/7 don't be shy! - 19
**-:¦: CAUTION **SUPER *~*SEXY*~* BBW * with a *~*$45.00 *~*SPECIAL*~* For *~You *512*902*7677* - 36
(Houston, HoustonTx 290 & Antoine)
▃▆▓▓⚠ CAUTi0N ⚠ ---°°---> iM 0N 🔥▆▓ 💖 (( __#1__ F _R_E_A_K__ )) 💖▓💖▓💖▓💖▓ 💋 80 💋 C0M€ 0V€®!!! - 20
(Houston, i10 / BELTWAY 8 / WESTCASE / GALLERiA)
💯% CHoColate HeRshey $100 SPeCIaLS 🌅🌄CoM GEt YoU 💲OmE aMAziNG PeTItE 🍓🍌🍍TReaT🍇🍉 100%REA - 24
(City of Houston, humble beltway, 1960, spring)
✨✨✨✨✨ —————— • CALL • ————— ♥🌴 ♥ ————— • NOW • ————— ✨✨✨✨✨ - 25
(5901 Schumacher lane, Houston, City of Houston, Houston)
♥ :*: cAuTiOn :*: HoT wEt AnD ReAdY :*:cAuTiOn :*: ♥ - 26
(GaLLeriA aReA aFtEr WoRk SpEcIaLs)
CALL NOW!!!! →♥→SPECIALS→♥→ incall ready!《♡♡ SEXY && EXOTIC BEAUTY♡♡ 》 - 24
(Houston Northwest, 290/ 610)